In fact, I like all sorts of critters. I love buying fun stones and beads in the shape of animals and creating wearable art (jewelry) out of them. If I used up every critter bead I currently own, I would be busy for at least two years (okay, I have a bit of a problem buying supplies and if I see really nice Bears, I *have* to own them because they might not be available 4 months from now) I don't think I will face a shortage of animal projects for quite a while...

So I am stocked to the gills with stone varieties of Zuni Bears (all colors and sizes), Butterflies

(same), Roosters, Pigs, Chickens, Turtles, Horses, Fish, Cats, Birds, Owls, Frogs, Dolphins, Rabbits, Sea Horses, Penguins and Elephants (to name just some of my circus). I get all wide-eyed and bushy-tailed when the supplies come in - - and they are GORGEOUS - - but the reality is that maybe *I* am the only one buying these beads because they don't translate into steady movers as far as sales of finished jewelry go ;) Imagine, *I*, alone, am supporting the entire cottage industry of stone critter beads - - LOL!

Eh, I love them so if they stay 'my pretties' for years, its all good. I am fascinated by the carving of each and every one of them (cut so nicely to bring out the best in each individual stone). I suppose realistically I really don't *NEED* 3 shoeboxes filled with them - - but ya never know when someone is going to custom order an XYZ critter piece in CERTAIN SIZE, SPECIFIC STONE. Better to be prepared than try hunting down a Moukaite Penguin at midnight...
Visit my shop on Etsy to see these and many other animal stone carvings made into jewelry and accessories you don't see everywhere - - - - or tell me what critter types you'd like to see me get on my next supply buying run :)
I love that mouakite penguin, Lucinda!!!:-)...